1. Ministarstvo zdravstva

  • Chemical Safety – Strengthening legal Framework and Institutional Infrastructure for Protection from Dangerous Chemicals
  • Strengthening of expert capacity in implementation of EU legislation on medicines in the Croatian Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices
  • Developing strategy for upgrading the environmental health laboratory services for official control and monitoring in Croatia according to Acquis requirements
  • Rising the knowledge and skills of nurses and midwives and harmonising educational curricula with Directive 2005/36/EC
  • Preparations for eCTD and implementation of digital archival information system
  • Preparation of a practical basis for the modernisation of the e – HZZO system with the purpose of better integration and cooperation with other national, international, regional and local stakeholders
  • Strengthening the institutional capacity for blood, tissues and cells
  • Contribution to institutional capacity for blood, tissue and cells in the implementation of the Directives 2002/98/EC and 2004/23/EC
  • Capacity building of Croatian health administration in preparation for EU post accession funds
  • Capacity building for the implementation of the SAPARD (Measures 1 and 2) and IPARD program (Measures 101 and 103)
  • Enforcement of the new Environmental Protection Act harmonized with EU legislation in cases of criminal offences against the environment
  • “Natura 2000 management and monitoring – NATURA MANMON -“
  • Capacity Building for preparation of management plans and strengthening of nature protection inspection for proposed Natura 2000 sites
  • Strengthening the capacities for control of transboundary movement of waste
  • Capacity Building for the implementation of the environmental acquis in the areas of waste management, integrate pollution prevention and control and noise protection
  • Strengthening capacities for Strategic environmental assessment at regional and local level
  • Capacity building of environmental  inspection and other relevant authorities and institutions for preventing, recognizing, investigating and prosecuting  offences against environment
  • Strengthening the capacity of all relevant authorities for Ecological Network Impact Assessment (ENIA)
  • Flexible Facility for Reinforcement of Administrative Capacity
  • Capacity Building for preparation of management plans and strengthening of nature protection inspection for proposed Natura 2000 sites
  • Participation of Croatia in the Commission committees and working group meetings set up by the comitology process
  • Support to the National Visa System
  • Strenghtening the capacities of Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (MFEA) as a national coordinator of EU affairs
  • Support to the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs in capacity building  related to the Membership in the European Union (EU)
  • Strenghtening the capacities of MFEA for efficient establishment and functioning of IT system enabling efficient national EU coordination
  • Technical assistance for the Managing Authority of the Operational Programme “Administrative Capacity Development” (MA OP ACD) to ensure its preparation to fulfilling the functions and responsibilities related to the programming and management of the OP
  • Support to the implementation of the General Administrative Procedures Act
  • Support to strenghtening administrative capacity through development of the competency framework in civil service
  • Support to the Enhanced Functioning of the Public Administration
  • Strenghtening the capacities of MoPA in use of EU Cohesion Policy Instruments
  • Development and Field Implementation of the ICT System for Supervision of the new General Administrative Act (GAPA)
  • Support to the efficient implementation of the Constitutional Act on the Rights of National Minorities
  • Supply of equipment for the support to the efficient implementation of the Constitutional Act on the Rights of National Minorities
  • Strenghtening integrity of public sector
  • Support to the Alignment of the Croatian IBM Concept with EU IBM Concept
  • Integrated Border Management
  • Blue Border Surveillance – phase II
  • Capacity Building in the Field of Fight against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse of Children and on Police Assistance to Vulnerable Crime Victims
  • Combating Drugs Trafficking and Abuse
  • Construction and Equipping of Police Station Tovarnik and Border Police Station Maljeva
  • Construction and Equipping of Police Station Tovarnik and Border Police Station Maljevac
  • Construction of the Centre for Training  Dog Handlers and Police Dogs
  • Development of Geographic Information System with Geographic Profiling of Serial Criminal Offenders
  • Modernization of State Border Control
  • National Border Management Information System – Phase III
  • Preparation for the Implementation and Usage of the Schengen Information (SIS) – S.I.R.E.N.E. and European Arrest Warrant (EAW)
  • Restoration and Equipping of the Premises for PN USKOK Osijek and Rijeka
  • Strengthening Capacities of the Ministry of Interior for Crime Prevention
  • Strengthening capacities of the Ministry of the Interior to combat cybercrime
  • Strengthening capacities of the Ministry of the Interior to implement the automated exchange of DNA and dactyloscopic dana
  • Supply of IT Equipment for police stations
  • Upgrading  the capacities for minors and other vulnerable groups of illegal migrants in the Reception Centre for Aliens
  • Improving Expert’s Capacities for the Protection of Rights and Interests of Children and Youth Placed in Homes for Children and Youth with Behavioural Disorders
  • Improving Foster Care for Children and Youth in the Republic of Croatia
  • Country Programme Interim Evaluation (CPiE)
  • Support to the Management, Monitoring and Evaluation of the Structural Instruments in Croatia
  • Enhancement of capacity for effective managment of EU Cohesion policy funds
  • Assistance with the management of objective 3 under th Cohesion policy
  • County Programme Interim Evaluation (CPiE)
  • Facility for Project Preparation and Reinforcement of Administrative Capacity
  • Support to MRDEUF in udertaking the role of the future single Managing Authority and conduction preparatory activites related to sound implementation of the EU cohesion policy financial management and control principles in the priod 2014 – 2020
  • Support to MRDEUF in conducting programming exercise for CBC programmes with Beneficiary Countries (2014 – 2020)
  • Support to the Enhanced Functioning of the Public Administration
  • Ex – ante evaluation of 2014 – 2020 Common Strategic Framework Funds Support
  • Strengthening the Administrative Capacity of CODEF as a Future Managing Authority of the Operational Programme “Technical Assistance”
  • Strengthening Policy and Capacities to Reduce Undeclared Work (“Moonlighting”)
  • Development of IT infrastructure as a part of strengthening of the administrative capacities and institution building for the implementation of regulations on co – ordination of social security systems
  • Development of “One stop shop” for Joint Information system (JIS) of Land Registry and Cadastre and consolidation of land register dana done in the Republic of Croatia
  • Development of International Legal Assistance IT System
  • Development of Main Register and Central Application System for Probation Service
  • Development of the Probation Services in Croatia
  • Enhancing the Quality of Judicial Training – by Upgrading EU Law and On Line Trainings
  • Further Improvement of Case Management System
  • Further improvement of institutional capacity and development of ICMS compatible modules at selected misdemeanour courts
  • Improvement of Free Legal Aid System
  • Improvement of the Enforcement System in the Republic of Croatia
  • Improving Anti – Corruption Inter – Agency Co – operation
  • Professional Development of Judicial Advisors and Future Judges and State Attorneys through Establishment of Self Sustainable Training System
  • Roll – out of ICMS on Selected Municipal Courts
  • Strenghtening the work of the State School for Judicial Officials through upgrading its professional training programmes and work flow
  • Strengthening capacities of USKOK
  • Strengthening the Administrative Capacities of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia
  • Strengthening the Capacity and Efficiency of SAO/USKOK
  • Strengthening the Efficiency of Judiciary in the Republic of Croatia
  • Strengthening the Work of the Judicial Academy through Curriculum Development and Training in the Use of Expert Witnessing
  • Supply of recording equipment for court hearings
  • Support to Further Development and Strengthening of the Probation Service in Croatia
  • Support to the establishment of a State School for Judicial Officials
  • Support to the Prison System of the Republic of Croatia
  • Support to the rationalisation of court network
  • Support to the Reform of Criminal Proceedings
  • Strenghtening the Efficiency of Victims and Witnessess Support System in the RoC
  • Construction of Border Inspection Post Bajakovo Zagreb
  • Supply of laboratory equipment for National Referent Laboratory
  • Supply of vaccine for oral vaccination of foxes againt rabies – negotiated procedure
  • Supply of vaccine for oral vaccination of foxes againt rabies
  • Distribution of vaccines for oral vaccination of foxes
  • Testing of dead or hunted animals
  • Evalution of surveillance results
  • Awareness campaign for oral vaccination of foxes against rabies
  • Support to the implementation of the Common organisation of the agricultural markets
  • Assistance to Directorate of Fisheries in Establishing a Dana Collection Framework in line with the Relevant EU acquis
  • Assistance to Croatian fisheries Administration in Development of Operational Programme and Related Publicity Strategy
  • Verification of EU conformity of the Croatian Farm Accountancy Dana Network (FADN)
  • Strenghtening of Croatian administration in charge of accreditation of agriculture paying agency
  • Upgrading of Four Selected Long – term Veterinary and Phytosanitary Border Inspection Posts
  • Capacity Building for implementation Directive on pollution caused by certain dangerous substances discharged into the aquatic environment and the Water Framework Directive
  • Strengthening of Croatian Administration in charge for Structural policy and State Aid in Fisheries
  • Support for preparing Rural development programme 2014 – 2020
  • Strenghtening of internal audit capacity for execution of audits on CAP
  • Continued support to animal disease control/eradication in the Republic of Croatia
  • Development of Flood Hazard Maps and Flood Risk Maps
  • Strengthening the Market Component of the Croatian Fisheries Sector
  • Continued Support to Capacity Strengthening of the Veterinary, Phytosanitary and Sanitary Border Inspection
  • Twinning to further harmonize the road safety legislation, strenghten the related institutions in order to comply with EU requirements and for development the administrative capacity of the Ministry in the field of road Transport
  • Efficient Functioning of the Control System for Roadside Inspections and Checks of the Driving Time, Breaks and Rest periods on the Road and in the Undertakings
  • Croatian Maritime Strategy
  • Prefeasibility study for the possible transport connection of Croatian territory
  • Assistance to capacity development for data standardization in transport sector in Croatia
  • Action plan for development of the Inland waterways shipping in Croatia
  • Reconstruction of Maškovića Han and economic revitalization of Vrana Settlement
  • Reconstruction of Moise Palace on the Island of Cres
  • Strenghtening capacities for energy efficiency in building sector in Croatia
  • Development of new tailor made software for web based energy data collection and management
  • Methodology for Energy Administration data management related to EU regulations
  • Health and Safety at work
  • Monitoring Dependence and Vulnerability of Energy Supply System with the Scope on Security of Supply
  • Strengthening Capacities to Remedy Irregularities in Public Procurement Procedures
  • Strengthening the administrative capacity of competent authorities and implementation agencies for co – ordination of social security schemes
  • Strengthening the administrative capacity in Croatian public procurement system with emphasis on MEAT (Most Economic Advantageous Tender) criterion
  • Reinforcement and further development of internal energy market with the scope of Energy Community Treaty
  • Strenghtening Croatian Administrative Capacities for implementing the Services Directive
  • Supporting monitoring for safer management of hazardous chimicals that can be used as a chemical weapons in RoC
  • Development of the Customs Laboratory in Croatia
  • Equipment for Anti – smuggling Units
  • Strengthening Croatian AFCOS System with the aim of protection of EU financial interests
  • Strengthening the administrative capacity for implementation of the own resources rules
  • Support to NAO/NF in further development of decentralised management DIS leading to the EDIS
  • Strengthening the administrative capacity of Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Croatia in relation to the implementation of the new concession and public – private partnership legislation
  • Further Strengthening and Enhacement of Croatian Public Internal Financial Control
  • Support of the NAO/NF in implementation of SAPARD and IPA component V, Rural Development
  • Strengthening of Customs Administration in the fight against corruption
  • Strengthening the Capacity of Croatian Tax Administration in the Field of Exchange of Information Related to the Savings Directive
  • Raising public awareness on the importance of the Public Internal Financial Control system in the Republic of Croatia
  • Enhancement of the CTA administrative and institutional capacity in the field of application of VAT EU common system
  • Strengthening the administrative capacity of Croatian Tax Administration on mutual cooperation in the field of taxation
  • Introducing Quality Assurance in CAP and Excise Goods Controls of the Croatian Customs Laboratory
  • Strenghtening the competence of public internal auditors in the Republic of Croatia in auditing Cohesion and Structural Funcs in line with the best EU practice
  • New Croatian Tax Administration (CTA) Information System Applications
  • CTA Human Resources Management (HRM) Connected System
  • New Croatian Tax Administration (CTA) Information System Applications
  • Further development of internal control system and work methodology (CRO INTERCON)
  • Integrated Border Management
  • Developing the Financial Literacy Programme with the aim of raising the level of financial literacy in the Republic of Croatia
  • Implementation and development of monitoring and auditing e – commerce function within Croatian Tax Administration
  • Further harmonisation of the Customs Administration with the EU acquis in the field of inspection supervisions
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