“Support to Gender Equality”

The objective of this project worth € 600.000 is to develop institutional capacities for  coordinated  implementation,  monitoring,  and evaluation  of  national  and  international  gender  equality  principles  and  increase public awareness and trust in capacities of the Republic of Croatia for protection from gender-based discrimination. During the project, activities will be implemented with the purpose of gender equality mainstreaming, increasing the efficiency of judiciary and public awareness on institutional mechanisms for protection from gender-based discrimination.

Expected results of this project are:

  • Increased level of public awareness about mechanisms of legal protection against gender-based discrimination through public campaign and  active role of the media;
  • Increased level of competence of civil servants in order to promote gender-sensitive public policies;
  • Increased visibility of national institutional mechanisms for gender equality;
  • Strengthened  cooperation in the field of gender equality;
  • Increased knowledge and competence of judiciary for the application of legislation in the area with special reference to the practices of the European Court of Human Rights.
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