This event was visited by more than 2000 citizens. The visitors participated on lectures related to EU funds. All seats were taken because people from all parts of Croatia were interested in free education of such kind.
The primary objective of this event was related to providing information for all interested parties on possibilities for utilization of funds from actual IPA pre-accession programme, as well as funds which will be available to Croatia after its accession in European Union.
The event was officially opened on 15th Octoberby by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Regional Development and EU Funds Mr. Branko Grčić and the opening was attended by Ambassador Paul Vandoren, Head of Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Croatia, Deputy Prime Minister Neven Mimica, Ministers Siniša Hajdaš Dončić and Predrag Matić, Mrs. Nataša Mikuš Žigman Director of CFCA, representatives of the ministries, ambassadors, Members of Parliament, mayors, and numerous others.
During the opening ceremony of the Days of EU Funds, Deputy Prime Minister Branko Grčić, emphasised that „the citizens primarily expect economic recovery and accelerated development, which means more funds for development projects“.
Mr. Grčić stated: “We can count on approximately 10 billion EUR from the EU funds, which represents a whole additional Croatian State Budget from the second half of 2013 until the end of 2020. Therefore, it is important to a reserve of well-prepared and mature projects which will bring optimum benefit to our regions“.
Ambassador Paul Vandoren, Head of Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Croatia, emphasised that it is important that the state bodies consult with relevant partners on strategic planning. Mr. Vandoren also commended this event in the sense of informing and motivating final beneficiaries of EU funds.
Mrs. Nataša Mikuš Žigman, Director of CFCA, mentioned some of more important projects realized with EU funds and emphasized that these projects represent the most visible and concrete benefit from our membership in European Union.
Total of 9 expert lectures related to preparation and application of projects were held. There were more than 1700 applied participants. Those lectures were intended for potential beneficiaries of EU pre-accession funds: local and regional self-government units, civil society organizations, higher education institutions, farmers and SMEs. The lecturers were experts from institutions which are currently accredited for utilization of pre-accession funds and which will have important role in prospective EU funds, as well as current beneficiaries of EU funds.
Furthermore, the visitors were informed through 10 different Info-desks on which a large number of interested citizens have requested information on possibilities for financing through EU funds.
From 2013, the Days of EU Funds will be primarily focused on Structural and Cohesion Funds from 2013. Until then, the absorption potential of all parts of the Republic of Croatia will be strengthened through further informational and educational activities.