The overall purpose of the project was „promotion of social and economic development between the countries of Adriatic region\”. The total value of this project was 1.130.000, 00 euros. The Sisak-Moslavina County and the Town of Koprivnica, Velika Gorica and Pleternica, with cooperation with four partners from Italy and one partner from Albania have participated in the implementation of this project.
The town of Koprivnica has been granted 43.000, 00 euros for drafting concept design for optimisation of city sewage system. The designing company Dippold & Gerold Hidroprojekt 91\” Ltd. from Brezovice has been chosen for performing this task after the evaluation procedure.
Drafting the concept design took six months and its total value has increased to 54.308,22 euros, since the additional funds were allocated in the budget of the Town of Koprivnica in order to increase the quality of data acquired from this valuable study.
Mayor of town of Koprivnica, Mr Zvonimir Mršić, and Ms Jasna Golubić, head of County Office for Development and Property Management in Sisak-Moslavina County discussed the positive effects of Watercycle project.
The mayor emphasised the necessity of this study for improvement of operative status of drainage system, adaptation for the future network expansion and establishment of measures for enhancement of system development in a way which would be acceptable both from ecological and energetic view.
„We have succeeded to draft quality concept design for reconstruction of the existing system and constructing of the new one in accordance with established measures and conceptual technical solutions\”, Mr Mršić stated.
Tatjana Puškarić, head of the County Office for Pre accession and Incentive Funds in Sisak-Moslavina County presented the results of the aforementioned project for the Town of Hrvatska Kostajnica, where concept design for apparatus for biological purification was drafted, and where the conference related to biological purification apparatuses was held. At the end Mr Mirko Ružić, project manager for Velika Gorica and Milan Ivanko, project manager for Pleternica presented the drafting of technical specifications for development of sewage system for waste water treatment.