Opening ceremony for new twinning project

The project, with a budget of 1.000.000 eur, is financed by the European Commission and will last until 27 January 2013.

The following activities can be mentioned:

–       Strengthening of institutional and administrative capacity of competent authorities and implementation agencies. The objective is to improve the administrative procedures and institutional co-operation for all institutions involved in social security co-ordination with focus both on the national and the international perspective.  

–      Analysis of impact of free movement of persons on Croatian social security administration system. The main objective is to carry out an analytical and financial study on the implications for Croatia when applying for the EU Regulations.

–       Raising of public awareness on right of free movement of workers. The objective is to develop an awareness raising strategy for the general public on social security rights when moving within the European Union. A communication strategy for the dissemination of information material for migrant workers will be developed.

Expected results of the project are as follows:

–              Overall co-operation and functioning of all institutions in charge of co-ordination of social security issues improved.

–              Capacity of the relevant institutions directly applying the co-ordination rules on social security schemes enhanced, their expertise in this   field upgraded and transfer of knowledge ensured through the training of future trainers.

–              Administrative procedures on implementation and direct application of the co-ordination rules harmonized with the EU regulations.

–              Comprehensive analytical and financial study of the impact of free movement of workers between Croatia and EU Member States on the Croatian social security administration system prepared.

–              Awareness raising strategy and communication system established and functioning

–              Information related to free movement and workers disseminated to the general public

 The project is of great interest for Croatia in the EU accession process and will contribute to the implementation of priority actions under the acquis in the field of free movement of workers and co-ordination of social security schemes

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