The purpose of this project, worth € 983.411,75, is to increase the administrative and technical capacity of the Croatian Civil Aviation Agency (CCAA) and the Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation Agency (AAIA) necessary for maintaining and increasing the safety standards relevant to the population of Croatia, flying passengers/crews and other stakeholders.
The project is of great importance for Croatia in the framework of the EU accession process. Through this twinning project, the EU will support Croatian aviation authorities in meeting the demands to improve aviation safety in the Republic of Croatia according to the provisions of international agreements to which Croatia is party, especially the Convention on International Civil Aviation, and the EU Acquis in the field of civil aviation.
The project is being implemented by the Agency for European Integration and Economic Development (Austria), Austro Control GmbH, the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (Germany) and Croatian Civil Aviation Agency.
It is financed under the EU’s IPA 2009 programme for Croatia and will last from March 2012 until August 2013.
The expected results of the project are:
- Compliance of State Aviation Safety Programme with EU acquis
- Decreased number and level of audit findings
- Specific procedure manuals developed/revised
- Training need identified
- Training programmes developed and implemented
- CCAA and AAIA personnel trained