Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020 (OPCC) is the primary programming document which implements EU Cohesion Policy and contributes to the objective “Investments for Growth and Employment” through fostering infrastructural investments (in the fields of transport, energy, environmental protection, ICT) and providing support to entrepreneurship and research activities development.
Within the implementation system of the European Structural and Investment (ESI) funds in the framework of the EU Financial Perspective 2014-2020, the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds (MRDEUF) performs the role of the Managing Authority, whilst the CFCA performs the role of the Intermediate Body Level 2.
Within the framework of OPCC 2014-2020, the Republic of Croatia has 6.863 billion EUR at its disposal, of which 4.700 billion EUR is from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), 2.131 billion EUR is from the Cohesion Fund and 31.499 billion EUR have been awarded to the Republic of Croatia within the REACT-EU initiative. Taking into account the national contribution valued 1.192 billion EUR to the aforementioned amounts, the total value of OPCC increases to the amount of 8.055 billion EUR.
During the EU Financial Perspective 2014-2020 within the framework of OPCC, the CFCA has contracted 1106 projects with a total value of 45,567,571,739.58 HRK, of which the amount of grants was valued 36,575,043,016.30 HRK.
PA1 | Strengthening the Economy Through Research and Innovation | 4.952.701.629, 25 HRK |
PA2 | Use of Information and Communication Technology |,20 HRK |
PA3 | Business Competitiveness | 7.226.500.000,00 HRK |
PA4 | Promoting Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources | 3.961.990.497, 25 HRK |
PA6 | Environmental Protection and Sustainability of Resources | 14.805.836529,60 HRK |
PA7 | Connectivity and Mobility | 9.761.032.874,25 HRK |
PA8 | Social Inclusion and Health | 2.655.925.000.00 HRK |
PA9 | Education, Skills and Lifelong Learning | 2.018.315.192, 95 HRK |
PA10 | Technical Assistance | 1.759.038.959,40 HRK |