One of the results of this project is detailed programme of work describing future steps needed for implementation of marine part of NATURA 2000. Project has also resulted in proposals for research and monitoring programs for marine NATURA 2000 habitats and proposal for networking and cooperation between relevant stakeholders involved in marine biodiversity research and collection of data. Cooperation was initiated through several meetings with scientific institutions and two courses on marine biodiversity inventory for divers. In addition, project has built capacity of SINP staff in monitoring and reporting requirements according to Articles 11 and 17 of the Habitats Directive and prepared Guidelines for the assessment of conservation status of marine habitat types.
This project worth of 508,300 EUR was implemented by company NIRAS IC – Poland in consortium with Orbicon I Leif Hansen-Denmark and Oikon-Croatia and the State Institute for Nature Protection acting as the beneficiary institution. The implementation of the project started in November 2010 and ends on December 22th 2011.
Given all stated above the project gave the tools and know how to work on transposition of the EU acquis, with particular emphasis on marine NATURA 2000 network in Croatia. It has contributed to capacity of relevant stakeholders in nature protection in setting future steps in implementation of NATURA 2000 and in establishment of NATURA 2000 monitoring system in Croatia. Not less important was initiating cooperation of SINP with diving community and scientific community dealing with marine biodiversity.