Currently established and accredited management system of EU funds in Croatia is Decentralised Management System (so-called “DIS”) with ex-ante control by EC Delegation in the Republic of Croatia, which means that each step in implementation system must be previously approved by EC Delegation. All relevant Croatian institutions, amongst them Central Finance and Contracting Agency have already started serious preparations for entering into Extended Decentralised Implementation System, so-called EDIS. Accredited bodies will manage the projects financed from EU funds without prior Delegation control. In that system CFCA will become a centre of knowledge and practical experience for all other bodies in the system since it has accumulated the largest amount of experience and ex ante body for rest of the structure.
Within the framework of TAIEX workshops, the colleagues from EU member states transferred their experiences gained from its own transition from Decentralised Implementation System with ex-ante control to Extended Decentralised Implementations System without ex-ante control during their accession to European Union. At this workshop, the experiences from countries which are EU members from the beginning and haven’t had this transition experience from one system to another were also presented. Nevertheless, those countries have rich experience in utilization and management of EU funds.
Dr. Jan Hauser, advisor in the Council for Social Issues in Prague, performed a lecture on the subject \’Experience gained from DIS to EDIS system in the Czech Republic – Challenges and Risks\’.
Irinel Nechita, Principal Auditor of Regional Intermediate Body for Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Resources Department under the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Protection, Romania, held a lecture on \’Verification of Expenditure Reporting\’ and \’Control Environment and Accounting and Reporting System\’.
Quirino Mealha, Director of Control and Audit Unit of Financial Institute for Regional Development in Portugal, presented a topic \’Compliance Assessment – Legal Framework of Compliance Assessment – Results and Objectives\’.
Giuseppe Florio, Office for Research and Studies of State General Accountants in the Ministry of Economy and Finance in Italy, held a lecture on \’Data Management and Information System of European Funds\’.
Inta Liepa from the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Latvia held a presentation on \’Preparation for the Compliance Assessment: Issues and Lessons Learned\’.
Vassilka Lubenova from the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy in Bulgaria held a presentation on a topic \’Procurement – PRAG vs. National Public Procurement Law (Procurement, Evaluation and Contracting)\’.
Robert John Moreland, former member of European Parliament of Great Britain held a presentation on issues related to \’The Role of Local Government in Using EU Funds and Preparation of Local Government to EDIS\’.
TAIEX or Instrument for Technical Assistance and Exchanging Data of DG Enlargement of European Commission which provides assistance to countries in the processes related to approximation, application and implementation of EU laws. TAIEX channels the requests for assistance for the purpose of giving contribution for provision of specific expert assistance for the purpose of finding solutions to the problems in a short amount of time.