From the total amount 2.447.585,00 EUR refers to project preparation expenses, which were financed from the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports budget, and through the Science and Technology Project of the World Bank (STP).
For the project implementation a total amount of 16.376.410,70 EUR is planned, out of which 13.919.949,00 EUR (85%) is financed by the EU, under EU IPA Programme for Croatia – Operational Programme for Regional Competitiveness.
Project will be implemented through 4 types of contracts: contract for construction works, contract for supervision of works, the technical assistance service contract (with the purpose of providing assistance in defining portfolio and services of the BIOCentre and capacity building of personnel in charge of implementation of the future activities of BIOCentre), and supply contract (with the purpose of providing laboratory equipment). The body responsible for the implementation of public procurement procedures for these contracts is the Central Financing and Contracting of EU Projects.
Two contracts were already signed:
- Construction of Biosciences Technology Commercialisation and Incubation centre, signed on 15 October 2012 with Tehnika d. d. from Zagreb, with the total value of 7.237.955,21 EUR, out of which EU co-financing amounts 6.152.261,93 EUR.
- Supervision of Works on the Biosciences Technology Commercialisation and Incubation centre, signed on 15 October 2012 with Ove Arup & Partners International Limited (OAPIL) in consortium with Grupa Investinženjering d.o.o. from Zagreb, with the total value of 563.770,69 EUR, out of which EU co-financing amounts 479.205,09 EUR.
BIOCentre is not only going to be the first of its kind in Croatia, but also an unique project in the whole region. The incubation centre consisting of the 4,500 square metres of net usable floor area comprises of the central laboratory, additional laboratories and offices. The project aims at supporting creation and growth of spin-off companies in biosciences and biotechnology field, originating from higher education institutions and public research organizations, and based on technology and knowledge, by providing all necessary requirements, infrastructure and services for developing their business in the area of biosciences and technology.
BIOCentre is envisaged as the active factor in ensuring the productive link between basic and applied scientific research and industry, technological infrastructure and new biotechnology companies in the process of new product development. Its vision, mission and operational profile is based on such a basis and it opens its door in the year 2015.