Within the project, beside the introduction of eSpis in the remaining 33 courts, a web service, e-Predmet (http://e-predmet.pravosudje.hr) , was also developed and introduced to the public. It makes possible for sides in cases, attorneys, and other interested parties participating in cases to have free of charge and public access to basic information about court cases. Searching by court and case number, the visitor of the web site can get informed about the course and dynamics of the case resolution. As the system is updated once a day, the sides in the case can see almost immediately the status of their case. The courts are then relieved of such inquiries and can spend more time to work more efficiently on cases.
The project will have a long term benefit for the reform of the Croatian judiciary through an increase in efficiency and transparency of the judicial system. The court case management system will make possible for courts, as well as the public, to have an instantaneous insight into court cases while protecting personal information of the participants at the same time. It will also allow for better management of court procedures, faster exchange of information between courts and other public administration bodies as well as optimization of costs. By using an algorithm for automatic assignment of cases to judges, eSpis will have an anti-corruption effect and, consequently, increase the trust of the population in the Croatian judiciary.