During the commemoration, Šime Erlić, the Minister of Regional Development and EU Funds, as a representative of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, emphasized the importance of the CFCA, which has become the central institution for the implementation of EU funds in Croatia over these 15 years. The CFCA monitored the implementation of thousands of projects that have influenced the development of all regions of our country.
“During this period, a whole generation of EU funds experts has emerged within the Agency, which, together with the ministry, forms the backbone of a functional system. Therefore, we will continue to strengthen its capacities in the new programming period with the aim of successful utilization of EU funds,” said Minister Erlić.
The director of the CFCA, Dragan Jelić, pointed out the exceptional results achieved in the last 15 years, specifically mentioning nearly 3,000 projects that, contract by contract, have changed Croatia for the better.
“Imagine Makarska without the Skywalk, Zagreb without the Rotor roundabout, Pula without the renovated Small Roman Theatre, Šibenik without the restored fortresses, or the southern part of Dalmatia without the Pelješac Bridge and Dubrovnik Airport. Within the Operational Programme “Competitiveness and Cohesion” 2014-2020, over six billion euros worth of projects were contracted, with almost five billion euros in grants invested in our counties, cities, and municipalities, whose implementation contributes to regional development,” said Jelić.
The director of the CFCA believes that the shared vision of the achieved results is the product of goals set by the Government of the Republic of Croatia, which creates financial preconditions for the implementation of projects, ministries that create calls for project proposals, regional coordinators that assist in project development and implementation in their counties, and the beneficiaries themselves who are the bearers of projects and recognize unique opportunities, propose projects and implement them.
Furthermore, while announcing plans for the future, Jelić stated that, according to current estimates, there are almost 2,000 projects whose value could exceed 5.1 billion euros.
“In the coming period, we will continue to invest in our employees and encourage the development of their skills to ensure the efficient functioning of all work processes. Out of the current 400 employees, 17 of them have been with the Agency since its establishment. That is the perseverance we seek, appreciate and strive for,” Jelić concluded.
In the period ahead, the CFCA plans to realize the set goals and projects within ongoing programmes, as well as assume new roles and responsibilities. In the new financial period 2021-2027, the EU funding envelope is the largest so far, and the CFCA will continue to act as the Intermediate Body Level 2 in the new programmes “Competitiveness and Cohesion” and “Integrated Territorial Program.” The CFCA will also take over the implementation control of certain projects of other bodies within the system. In order to ensure efficient and high-quality performance of all work processes in the coming period, the CFCA will continue to strengthen its capacities and raise awareness and knowledge about EU funds and project implementation among beneficiaries, other bodies within the system and the general public.