The Miller path project, with the value of EUR 115.027, established the cross border tourist zone, while the education of local population for participation in the tourist offer of this much attended region contributed to the enhancement of economic and social structure of a rural region.
Due to this project, the tourist infrastructure of the cross border region experienced a significant change in the usage of renewable energy sources, primarily due to the electrification of a floating river mill and installation of a solar collector.
Banks of the river Mura were cleaned and arranged by the placement of benches and tables, to serve as a picnic area near the floating mill. The tourist offer was enriched by the purchase of four wooden and one rubber boat. For tourist purposes, old traditional crafts, cultural, technological and natural heritage were reanimated, as well as the folklore.
The president of the Ecological Organization Lipa (the project\’s beneficiary) Rudi Grula, stated that they were currently preparing a project within the area of the Municipality of Saint Martin at Mura, Municipality of Podturen and Town of Mursko Središće, called \”Diffuse eco-ethno museum\”. The results of that project will be extended along the area of the river Mura, with the emphasis on marketing of the new tourist product and new tourist zone.