The total project value was EUR 292,076.00, of which the amount of EUR 219,057.00 was financed from PHARE 2006 programme, i.e. 75% of the total project value. Primary project activities were related to demining of the area covered by the project, aerial photogrammetric survey, water quality research, ecophysiological research and drafting of the project documentation and GIS system.
The main project output was the project documentation for revitalisation of the aforementioned area. Its main purpose was to identify the causes of damage done to the ecosystems by both sides of the border and to propose the measures and activities to solve this problem with the cost estimate based on the data of the current status on ecosystems. GIS system, which is also one of the project outputs, shall be used as one of the tools for the relevant authorities to enable sustainable utilisation of natural resources and define the future measures to preserve and improve ecological functions of the aforementioned area.
After applying the measures defined in the project documentation, this area shall become an ecosystem implemented for rural tourism, recreation and active vacation for the inhabitants of surrounding areas. Both Croatia and Hungary shall provide financial resources for the realisation of these objectives, either from their own state budget or from the EU assistance programmes.
A cross-border partner of the Croatian Waters in this project was the Directorate for Environmental Protection and Waters of Cross-Border Southern Danube Region – DDKövizig from Pècs, Hungary.