Regardless the fact that the unemployment rate, which is between 5 to 7 percent, is the least in Croatia, the analysis of employment in this County showed that the majority of unemployed persons are young people between 15 to 24 years old, and women olden than 40, was stated at the conference.
That is the main reason why Istrian Development Agency in cooperation with its partners and associates, drafted the project activities focused on providing assistance for solving employment problems for abovementioned groups, Darko Lorencin, the Director of the Agency, stated.
\”Project activities have been focused on candidates from the most threatened groups on the labour market, since the goal is to find a long-term solution for unemployment problem, and the results are already visible\”, Lorencin emphasized.
Director Lorencin also stated that approximately 300 high school graduates, who soon will look for a job, have been present at the lectures about self-employment and entrepreneurship.
The objective of the project is, in accordance with the statement of Mr Lorencin, \”promotion of economic and social cohesion for the purpose of professional integration improvement of the most threatened groups in the labour market\”.
In accordance with already mentioned facts, the purpose of the project is creating long term basis for solving the problems related to unemployment through training and education of employees within the organizations at the local level which will implement the measures of active employment focused on the most threatened groups of unemployed persons in the labour market in Istria County.
Head of Branch Office of the Croatian Employment Service, Marko Maršić expressed satisfaction by emphasizing the fact that all partners have shown great interest for this project, which is actually a postulate for realization of common goal – better professional integration of the most threatened social groups in the labour market of the Istria County. (Hina)