The project is designed to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide from public buildings by increasing energy efficiency. Varaždin County and the town of Cakovec have cooperated on this project which covered a community health centre in Varazdin and a kindergarten in Cakovec, project manager Vladimir Kalinski said.
An analysis of the project has shown that a more rational use of power products in the community health centre can help save up to HRK 24,000 annually. The project also included basic energy analysis in 42 public buildings in Varaždin County and in Cakovec.
An investment study is expected to be drawn up and additional investments made to increase energy efficiency in those facilities, said Kalinski.
Varaždin County has signed an energy charter with the United Nations\’ development unit under which it is obliged to open an energy office and an energy information centre.
The project \”FuturePublicEnergy\” is one of the projects from the Interreg IIIA initiative of the PHARE 2005 programme, worth EUR 140,000. (Hina)